
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Theories of communication Essay Example for Free

Theories of communication EssayTheories of communication Argyles system of communication is a cycle of six concepts, which repeats its self through every conversation, emailing, phone c for each one, and text, through all the ways we tell. The 6 following steps areAn idea occurs-A thought goes through your head. Example A accoucheuse thinking to tell a scholarly person midwife to go and do the observations on the long-suffering that has just be in Message coded- turning your thoughts and feelings in to communication thinking about Your trunk posture, tone of voice, body language, gestures, pictures, writing and posture. Example- the midwife at a time inquires to think how to say to the student midwife she necessarily to do the observations and how she is deprivation to come across, like her tone of voice, her facial expressions, body language , does she need to write it and her posture. Message sent- ask communicated what you want to say. Example- The midwife has now told the student midwife to go and do observations on the lady that has come in, the way she wanted to come across.Message received- is when the person or hearing has received what the sender had tried to communicate. Example- The student midwife has received what the midwife has communicated. Message traced- now they subscribe to to take what has been said and try to decode it so they understand what they have communicated. Example- the student midwife is now trying to understand and decode what the midwife has said about doing observations on the patient that has just come in. Message understood- the audience or the person targeted at has understood what has been communicated. Example- the student midwife has understood that she needs to go and do the observations on the patient that has just come in. This works with a response as well for exampleIdea occurs- thinking of a response- example the student midwife is thinking of a response to say to the midwife. Message coded- thi nking how you are going to communicate your response- Example-student midwife thinks how she is going to communicate her response. Message sent- you have communicated your response- Example- The student midwife has communicated what she wants to say to the midwife. Message received- the response has been received- example- The midwife has received the student midwifes response Message decoded- take the response and try to understand it, attempt to decode it-Example the midwife now needs to decode what the student midwife has said so she keister understand it.Message understood- they have understood the response- Example- the midwife has understood the student midwife will go and do the observations on the patient that has just come in. Bruce Tuckmans 1965. Forming, storming, norming and performing- squad development model Bruce Tuckmans theory was a helpful explanation of squad development and behaviour. He believed that there was salutes when a team come unitedly and they was the forming, storming, norming, and performing there is also adjourning and transforming also known as the mourning stage These stages worked like thisThe first stage is forming and this was the team being assembled, at the beginning each individual consort to behave independently, until they start shaping in to a team. The team is coming together and trying to innovation out why they are there or what they have to do. They spend time collecting learning and bonding. The second stage is the storming stage, in this stage the team are aware of the task and begin to counsel different ideas and what they are going to do and how it works. This is just the stage of ideas and talking about the task. This is also when a team leader may be formed to lead the group. Time is spent addressing the task on the job(p) out what they have to do and then brainstorming all their ideas for the task. The third stage is the norming stage, this is where the team reserve the sack the storming stage and move towards working on the task after putting all their ideas together and obligateing on what they are going to do and work out an effective plan, allowing the contribution of each member.At this come out team leader can also take a step back as each individual team member takes more responsibility. In this stage time is used putting ideas together and agreeing and moving towards working on the task. The fourth stage is the performing, performing their ideas to muster out the task habituated and have a final piece, this is the bit where they actually do it and try to complete it. The time is spent finish the task, working together. The last stage is the adjourning and transforming also known as mourning. This is the final stage this is the breakup of the team, where the team leave as they have completed the task given. Example of Bruce Tuckmans theory classroom of socio-economic class ones on their 1st day. The year ones have been put into a group, thisis where they mee t and talk for the first time, this would be the forming stage, as the group is being formed and shaped.The teacher then gave them a task. Each child had to give an idea to help to complete the task, this is the storming stage as different ideas where put together to help complete the task. The year ones then had to decide all together what ideas they liked and agree on which one they was going to use for the task, this is the norming stage where they all decide and agree and start to work on the task, also having to agree on the rules which is given for the task. The fifth stage is the performing stage where they all perform the task given and the decisions are collaborative for the final piece. The final stage is the adjourning and transforming stage where the children go home after complete their task and the group is broken up as the task is now finished.

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